Autumn 2025 planting seasonPre-order now for delivery in autumn 2025 / winter 2026.

Catalogue of fruit trees for sale

  • Apple treesMalus domestica

    Our organic apple trees are generally easy to grow, and there is a huge range of different flavours.104 varieties
  • Apricot treesPrunus armeniaca

    Apricots are a popular stone-fruit, useful for eating fresh and cooking.5 varieties
  • Cherry treesPrunus avium

    Choose from our range of organic cherry trees and pick your own cherries fresh from the tree.15 varieties
  • Cornelian cherry treesCornus mas

    Cornelian cherry trees produce abundant small fruits which are valued for their healthy properties.7 varieties
  • Medlar treesMespilus germanica

    Medlars are unusual orchard fruits, primarily for cooking. The blossom and trees also have ornamental appeal.2 varieties
  • Mulberry treesMorus

    Mulberries are large trees, grown for their tasty small fruits, which resemble blackberries.7 varieties
  • Pear treesPyrus communis

    Our range of organic pear trees will enable you to grow your own pears.35 varieties
  • Peach treesPrunus persica

    Peaches are a luxurious fruit originating in the Far East and now grown throughout warm temperate regions.3 varieties
  • Persimmon treesDiospyros kaki

    Persimmons are brightly coloured fruits with luscious sweet flavours, ripening in late autumn.6 varieties
  • Plum treesPrunus

    Our range of organic plum trees includes varieties for eating fresh and cooking varieties.17 varieties
  • Quince treesCydonia oblonga

    Quince are versatile fruits for use in the kitchen, and the leaves and blossom also have ornamental appeal.4 varieties
  • Fig treesFicus carica

    Figs are a unique and luscious fruit, which do best in warm climates.2 varieties
  • Inter-specific fruit trees

    Hybrid fruit varieties arising from crosses between fruits of different species.3 varieties
  • Kiwi plantsActinidia

    Kiwis are attractive climbing plants with fragrant flowers and sweet fruits.3 varieties
  • SaskatoonsAmelanchier

    Saskatoons, also known as Juneberries or Serviceberries, are small bushy trees with blueberry-like fruits.5 varieties
  • Melliferous trees

    Ornamental trees which are particularly attractive to bees (melliferous) and will help sustain bee populations in your orchard.3 varieties
  • Rootstocks for sale

    We can supply large or small quantities of rootstocks (minimum 1) for grafting your own apple, pear, plum / Prunus, cherry, and citrus trees.17 varieties
    • Apple rootstocksMalus

      Dwarf, semi-dwarf, semi-vigorous and standard apple rootstocks for grafting your apple cultivars, including most crab-apples, no minimum order.6 varieties
    • Pear rootstocks

      We supply BA29, PyroDwarf, and Kirchensaller rootstocks, suitable for grafting most European and some Asian pear varieties, no minimum quantity.3 varieties
    • Plum rootstocksPrunus

      We supply vigorous Myrobalan and semi-vigorous St. Julien rootstocks, suitable for grafting your own European plum trees, damsons, peaches and related species.2 varieties
    • Cherry rootstocksPrunus

      Semi-dwarf and semi-vigorous cherry rootstocks, suitable for grafting your own sweet and sour cherry trees, no minimum quantity.3 varieties
    • Citrus rootstocks

      We supply dwarfing citrus rootstocks that can be used for grafting your own orange, lemon, grapefruit, mandarin and other citrus fruit trees.3 varieties
  • Ornamental cherry treesPrunus

    The graceful beauty of ornamental or flowering cherry trees will bring colour and elegance to your garden.8 varieties