G.11 or Geneva 11 is a popular dwarf apple rootstock, producing a mature tree with a similar size to the M9 rootstock.
G.11 was developed to be much more cold-hardy than M9, and also more resistant to fireblight. It is also considerably more productive than M9, yields are likely to be 20% greater.
Trees on G.11 can be managed in the same was as traditional M9 dwarf trees. They need permanent support, and like all dwarf rootstocks do best on good quality soils, with irrigation in drier climates.
Trees can be spaced just 1m apart for commercial plantings, but 2m - 3m between the trees will be a more relaxed spacing for small growers.
Please order by January for delivery in February - March. If you wish to order a large number of rootstocks please contact us.