Early Red Meat is an early-season apple with a striking marbled red / pink flesh.
The flavour is quite acidic and this is a variety best used in the kitchen, where the red flesh can be used to advantage.
The juice of Early Red Meat is also an attractive dark pink colour, with a very sharp flavour.
The apples are ripe in the second half of August, and should be picked and used within a week or so as they do not keep.
In spring the dark pink / red blossom is particularly attractive.
Next deliveries: December 2024 - February 2025
Early Red Meat flowers mid-season and is easy to pollinate, however like most apples with red blossom and bronze leaves it is likely to be a poor pollinator of other apples.
The apples are naturally quite small, so it helps to thin the fruitlets if there is a heavy fruit set in the spring, as this will improve the size of the apples.
This variety description was researched and written by Orange Pippin staff. Last checked: 2024.