Gala is one of the most popular supermarket apple varieties, and a good mid-season variety for the garden in many areas. The sweet flavour of ripe Gala apples eaten straight from the tree is quite a surprise compared to supermarket examples. Gala is also a good variety for juicing, as you might expect the flavour is rich and sweet, useful for mixing with other sharper varieties.
Sorry we have not produced any trees of this variety this season.
Contact us if you would like to go on the waiting list for next season.
Let me know when Gala apple trees are back in stock.
If you do not hear from us by March you can contact us to pre-order for next autumn.
One of its unique characteristics is that Gala will produce good-quality apples across an unusually wide range of climates from cool temperate to hot. Whilst not quite a low-chill variety, its chilling requirement of about 800 hours is at the lower end of the range, which helps when growing in warmer climate zones.
However Gala appears to be susceptible to just about every problem known to affect apples - but don't let this put you off. In practice, provided you have a dry climate, it is not too difficult to grow.
Gala was developed by New Zealand apple enthusiast J.H. Kidd from one of his earlier successes, Kidd's Orange Red, which he crossed with Golden Delicious. Through this parentage Gala unites three of the world's most influential apple varieties, Cox's Orange Pippin, Delicious, and Golden Delicious.