Malus Evereste is one of the most popular crab-apple trees and a good choice if you want a medium-large flowering tree for the garden.
The plain white spring blossom is borne in great profusion - often in the first spring after planting.
The pretty small crab-apple fruitlets appear in the autumn and have an attractive flushed orange colour. They remain on the tree well into December, providing interest long after the leaves have fallen.
Sorry we have not produced any trees of this variety this season.
Contact us if you would like to go on the waiting list for next season.
Let me know when Evereste crab-apple trees are back in stock.
If you do not hear from us by March you can contact us to pre-order for next autumn.
Evereste produces lots of pollen over a long period, so is a popular choice as a pollinator of apple trees in small orchards, particularly apple varieties in flowering group 3.
Crab-apple trees belong to the genus Malus, and are therefore closely related to the mainstream apple (Malus domestica). They are grown primarily for their attractive blossom, and for the ornamental appeal of their pretty fruitlets in the autumn.
The fruitlets of many varieties are useful in the kitchen for making crab-apple jelly. Several varieties retain their fruitlets into early winter (known as 'persistent'), providing a food resource for wildlife.
Many crab-apples also make excellent pollinators for fruiting apple trees, thanks to their profuse blossom and close genetic compatibility.